These are the infections transmitted by the mosquitoes, bugs, ticks, flies etc. One major factor that influences their growth is climate. These accounts for more than 17 percent of all infectious diseases. Dengue and Malaria are the major ones causing more number of deaths. Maintaining clean and proper environmental factors and social factors will helps in disease control and elimination
Global Anti-Malarial Drugs market reached USD 742.5 Million in 2016 at a CAGR of 3.2% across the world. The market is predicted as USD 1,049.5 Million by 2027. Middle East & Africa accounts for a share of 51.0% by 2027 and Asia Pacific of 30.2% by 2027. Moreover, the market is anticipated to account $317.0 Million by 2027 from $222.8 Million in 2016. China & India is the major contributor to the growth of Asia Pacific Anti-Malarial Drugs market.
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