Bacteria, Virus and Fungi can even affect the Central Nervous System of our body. They may affect brain, spinal cord, neurons at any level. Initial prognosis and diagnosis is essentially required to save the life. Share your research work and help many individuals facing adverse consequences because of these infections
The global Central Nervous System therapeutic market size was worth $77.2 billion in 2016 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9% during the forecast period. The annual incidence of bacterial CNS infections has been 36.3/100,000 and that of viral infections is 688.0/100 000.
ALSO READ Infectious Diseases and Global Health Viral Infections Bacterial Infections Fungal Infections Vector-borne Diseases Virology and HIVAIDS Immunology and Clinical Microbiology Neurological and CNS Infections Healthcare-Associated Infections Ophthalmological Infectious Diseases Vaccines and Immunizations Tropical Diseases and Parasitic Diseases Sexually Transmitted Diseases and STIs Lower Respiratory and Pediatric IDs Pathophysiology and Diagnosis Clinical Trials and Case Studies Influencing Factors of IDs Advanced Treatments and Technologies Prevention and Control Public Health and Epidemiology Oral and Maxillofacial Infections Genomics and Infectious disease Special Session on COVID-19
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